yzc888亚洲城网页版 Nurse
COVID Testing at yzc888亚洲城网页版
COVID-19测试: We are excited to offer COVID-19 testing in collaboration with 华盛顿 State Department of Health (DOH) and the Health Commons Project. We are starting with testing when symptoms arise or following known exposure – referred to as diagnostic testing. Testing will help us reduce the spread of COVID and will reduce lost instructional time for students.
度的 学会返回 testing program follows a “go slower to go fast” philosophy. By implementing diagnostic testing first, we can have an immediate positive impact in serving our school community while learning how to best expand. Once we get diagnostic testing launched, we will explore a more robust 2021-22 screening program including for students who aren’t vaccinated or are at higher risk.
Additional information regarding COVID testing on the district website
Important Health Information
华盛顿 State Law 需要 every student to provide proof of immunization compliance to attend school. If you received a letter from Health Services about immunizations your student needs for school, please make sure your student receives the immunization(s) listed in the letter or provide documents to indicate exemptions.
Send the immunization record to the school nurse or have your health care provider fax the record to the nurse.
Life-Threatening Health Conditions
If your student has a life-threatening health condition (Diabetes, 过敏, 癫痫发作, 哮喘, 等.), the following items must be provided on or 之前 开学第一天:
- 拯救生命的药物
- 药物治疗 Authorization forms
- 治疗供应
To ensure your student’s health and safety during the school day, 华盛顿 State Law 需要 that your student be excluded from school until these items are received by the school nurse. Please let your school nurse know if you have any barriers to providing these items so they can offer support.
See SPS Policy 3413 for more information regarding the exclusion process.
Annual Student Health Updates
Please report any health issue your child has that could impact safety and learning to the school nurse.
How to complete the Annual Student Health Update form:
- 访问来源
- Complete a paper copy of the Annual Student Health Update form
- You may also contact the nurse directly by phone or email
Ask your health provider to complete the Authorization for 药物治疗s Taken at School.
- Each medication 需要 its own form
- Your health care provider must sign the form
- 你必须在表格上签字
This is required for ALL medications.
All medications must be in their original container and labeled with the student’s name. Prescription medication must have a pharmacy label.
Emergency medications must be in the building on or 之前 the first day of school.
Check medication expiration dates! Try to get medications that will last the entire school year.
Schedule a flu shot for your student and family members. 方法如下:
- Contact a School-Based Health Center (students only)
- Seek care from your healthcare provider
Watch for announcements for upcoming flu shot clinics.
Protection from Respiratory Illness
Take actions to help manage the spread of respiratory illnesses, 包括COVID-19, 保证彼此的安全.
- 接种疫苗
- If you feel sick, stay home
- Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms
- Wash your hands frequently
- Keep hands away from your face
- If you test positive for COVID-19, notify your school, and isolate at home for five full days.
Register Your Student for a School-Based Health Center
Your student can go to any School-Based Health Center within the district. Please call the clinic to make an appointment.